Pool Lab Inbuilt Cell Testing Feature

Pool Lab chlorinators have an inbuilt cell testing function, allowing you to determine if the cell is operating at full capacity.

At software revision r274 an automated version of the cell testing function was introduced. See chart below to determine by model/serial number which cell testing function instructions to follow.

Model & Serial Number is found here:

Model Serial Number Range for r252 to r272 Serial Number Range for r274 onwards

0002 to 2999

12000 to 12182

12183 >
PL35 3001 to 3310 3311 >
PL45 4001 to 4101 4102 >

5001 to 5999

15000 to 15099

15100 > 
PL35+ 6001 to 6430 6431 >
PL45+ 7001 to 7284 7285 > 
    All Mineral Lab Models
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